1TSTI2D1- euro SII - DNL 2024/2025

- Interactive Ariane card

- eTwinning twinspace : “Ariane2024-2025” project. [Pupils login] (accès limités)
Practical Activity 4.2: Ariane rocket

Partners: Autriche, Belgique, République Tchèque, Danemark, Suisse, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Irlande, Italie, Luxembourg, Grande-Bretagne, Norvège, Pays-bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Espagne et Suède.

- Our Ariane construction town in France (Part of the rocket an Ariane town choice)
* The main cryogenitique stage (Pupil works)
Practical Activity 4.3: Welcome in Toulouse

- Photos/videos

- Our presentation
* Les Mureaux - version 2 (Pupil works)

- Visit "Les Mureaux?"
Practical Activity 4.4 : Meetings
  • Meeting 1: First touch
  • Meeting 2 : Describe your Ariane town
  • Meeting 3 : Describe your Ariane Part
  • Meeting 4 : Meet our expert
  • Meeting 5 : Ariane game

Practical activity 4.5: Our part of the rocket