1ère STI2D-ETLV - Enseignement Technologique de Langue Vivante

1.1/ Our project: "We love, we study, we create"

1.3/ Aims: Develop a culture of sustainability in order to respect the environment, culture and civilization that originate in each participant country


3.1/ Etwinning plateform:
(Pupil login / Guests login)

3.3/ Teams works organisation (reports):
(Pupils ID & pw: Teacher doc):
(Workship PW: Teacher doc)

- Fiche gestion (Teacher doc)
4/ Partners Works
- Roumania


2.1/ What are we going to do?:

2.3/ How long it takes?
=> 3 months (2023 march to july)

2.4/ And after that?
=> Erasmus project to be planed for next year...

2.5 Renewable activities?
A/ Promote green mobility?

B/ Sorting effectively paper, cardboard, glass and steel waste in our workshop?
(Exemple de l'entreprise Chimirec)

C/ Communicate on waste monotoring after sorting?

D/ Make money while sorting waste?

E/ What else ?
=> Ask your team mates, your friends or chatgpt...

2.6/ E-magazine